Sunday 8 June 2014

Tourism Potential in Aceh Leuser (Leuser Ecosystem)

Beberapa Lokasi Obyek Wisata Potensial di TNGL

Based Ecological Tourism (Ecotourism)

There are eight potential sites for the development of ecotourism in the region TNGL. These sites (Figure 7) is Kruengkila, Kedah, Marpunge, Lawe Gurah, Tangkahan, Overseas beehive, Bangko Sea Lake, and Bukit Lawang. 

In addition to the location-8, was found to be 4 locations as Objects and Attractions Nature (ODTWA) which also has potential for development, namely: Muara Situlen, Marike, Sei Glugur, and Sei Lepan.

One of the attractions that the star is Bukit Lawang Orangutan icon and "tracking in the jungle". Domestic and foreign tourists visit flow to that location.

In addition to Bukit Lawang, there are other locations that are not less important is Tangkahan. Tangkahan is a portrait of Bukit Lawang in the early 1970s. The development of ecotourism is an anomaly, because it does not begin with a background of tourism development. But also to develop safeguards national parks, ecotourism assets.

Tangkahan initiative started in late 1999 with the focus of the village as a base security TNGL area, so that the new formed on 22 April 2001 Tangkahan Simalem Ranger, and continued with the inauguration Tangkahan Tourism Organization (LPT) on May 19, 2001. MoU between Hall TNGL first signed with LPT on 22 April 2002. Development of ecotourism increased again after Indecon accompany the process began in September 2002. patterns enhanced with the establishment of security TNGL Conservation Response Unit (CRU) in cooperation with FFI in January 2003. thus tourism development is a step in a new and different backgrounds tourism development Bukit Lawang. Every foreign tourists returning from Tangkahan always wanted to see Tangkahan advised as at present (personal communication with Wak Yun, one of the activists ecotourism development). They are not mass-tourism menhendaki occurred in Tangkahan. Finally, the 24 September 2004, the initiative Tangkahan awarded "Innovation of Tourism Indonesia" by the Indonesian Culture and Tourism I Gede Ardika.

Currently being tested, Safari elephant penetrate Tangkahan - Bukit Lawang, with a time of 4 days and 3 nights. YEL and FFI initiative is still necessary to study the potential impact of development and at the same time, especially in pathways trekking path. Nevertheless, this is an important breakthrough to break the ice nature tour packages that have been developed in Bukit Lawang and Tangkahan.There are several other potential locations in the province of Aceh. The development of ecotourism in the province into market opportunities in the future. For example, the event Alas river rafting, mountain climbing peaks such as peak and peak Leuser Treasurer, reopening Gurah, tourist beaches and turtle observations at Singgamata, search Bangko Lake, bird watching in Agusan, Rafflesia trekking in Ketambe, and so forth . Development of nature in the region of Aceh is a great opportunity, especially by combining local knowledge based on cultural values ​​and religion becomes a critical success factor in the development of nature tourism in Aceh.


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