Sunday 8 June 2014

Biodiversity in the Leuser Ecosystem (Aceh Province)

Peta Tipe Ekosistem TNGL
Vegetation in the area TNGL including Sumatra and flora closely related to the flora in Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Java and even the Philippines. 
Formation of natural vegetation in TNGL determined based on 5 criteria, namely bioklimat (altitude climatic zones with different floristic formations). Four other criteria is the relationship between the floristic composition of biogeography, hydrology, bedrock and soil types. Van Steenis who conducted the study in 1937 (de Wilde and BEE WJJO Duyfjes, 1996), dividing the territory in TNGL plants in several zones, namely:

Tropical Zone (including Colline zone, located 500-1000 meters above sea level). Tropical Zone is a heavily wooded area covered with various types of standing timber and a large diameter high up to reach 40 meters. Trees or stands of trees of the wood used as a lift of the various types of lianas and epiphytic plants of interest, such as orchids, and others.

Transition zone from Zone to Zone Colline Tropica and Sub-Montane Zone is characterized by a growing variety of beautiful flowering plants and different types due to differences in altitude. The higher the place the tree on the wane, the type of liana began to disappear and the more prevalent types of thorny rattan.

Montane zone (including the sub-montane zone, located from 1000 to 1500 masl). Montane zone of a montane forest. Standing timber is no longer too high only range between 10-20 meters. There is another kind of liana plants. Moss cover a lot of standing timber or trees. Humidity is very high and almost every time shrouded in fog.

Sub zone of the Alps (2900 - 4200 masl), a forest zone and not fringed Ercacoid again. This forest is a thick layer of a mixture of dwarf trees and shrubs with a few umbrella-shaped tree (familia Ericacae) separate looming and some types of tundra, orchids and moss.Map of the area vegetation zones (type of ecosystem) TNGL area is presented in Figure below.

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